I knew we shouldn’t have trusted the banks, I knew they’d only bring trouble, but the people wanted the banks. It was only a matter of time before Ohio Life failed, I could sense it but no one believed me. Everyone thought by creating the railroads more people would move to the west and find gold and become farmers and bring more money to our government, but I knew it wouldn’t work. Soon enough after the building of the railroads, the western land value started to fall, and then the railroad lines started closing and declaring bankruptcy because of the worrying about what would happen to Kansas. No one really noticed things going South until Ohio Life failed, but then it was too late. Everyone was nervous because they thought Ex-president Thomas Jefferson was going to close down the bank then, but I was nervous when he didn’t. 

Harry Scot - concerned Illinois common man

Don’t be fooled by the supposed “eloquence” of the tall lawyer from Illinois.  He may have a silver tongue, but his plans are to ruin the rights of the people. He wants to end slavery. Do you know how he will do that? He will deprive the people of their right to decided their own fate. He will ruin what this party has worked. He hates the rights of the people the evil top hatted figure. People need to realize that he will hurt this state and then the country if he is elected Senator of Illinois.

Douglass is clearly the better candidate for the presidential election. He is the Senator that is for the people. He believes that slavery in the territories should be decided by popular sovereignty. This is the judgement that supports the people. He is right by saying that slavery is dying and that the states can choose what they desire. Lincoln wants to have the Dredd Scott decision repealed which would put the issue of slavery over the power of the states. Do we want a Senator who won’t support states rights? He is not the Senator who is for the people. Vote for Douglass the Senator who will fight for the rights of the people.

- Ryan


Aidan Bary - Irish immigrant

I came to America because I heard that there was an equal opportunity for all. The reason I came here was to escape the poverty in Ireland. I was promised that if I was a strong backed hardworking immigrant I would be able to find a job for maybe not the most money but I would still have an opportunity to prosper. I am willing to work for little money, but how can I compete with free labor? I can’t. We need to stop slavery now or else immigrants will never have an opportunity to expand. Slavery is the main issue that is preventing us from having an equal opportunity. I understand that the people have the right to vote on what they want, but I fear that that vote may not be enough to benefit the future immigrants coming to America. The western territories have to be slave free so that immigrants have a place to call home where they can work in a factory. If we promote slavery there will be no factories for us to work in. We will have to work on farms for no money for a skill that we don’t have developed. I understand the idea that we shouldn’t mess with what already exists in America. Slave states can remain slaves states, but future states need to be free for immigrants to have an opportunity in America. William Proviso had the right idea so why don’t we as Americans continue it?

- Ryan

While this might be rude to say but I'm quite happy that our last president, Zachary Taylor, left office. Of course it was sad that the leader of our wonderful country died, but it was for the best. Had he remained in office the compromise might not have been passed leading to a near total win for our party. Why a near total win? Well, that would be because California was admitted as a free state and the slave trade ended in Washington D.C. However, had it not been decided to enforce the Fugitive Slave Law, I would be fully contempt with this compromise. It’s simply an abomination! How could our government expect us to send someone back into the terrible "life" they lived? It's absolutely insane! It is also troubling that owning a slave will continue in Washington D.C. It would be in the best interest of the people if we just put an end to slavery and just moved on with our lives.


The greatest men in our country's history were those who pioneered the places we call home today. From gritty Appalachian trailblazers like the great Daniel Boone to coon-skinned cap-wearing warriors like Davy Crockett, this nation's pioneers have one thing in common: greatness.

These heroes risked everything so that generations of Americans would prosper on land that is rightfully theirs. 
This is a call to arms. The time has come once again that we must expand westward. The vast majority of God's greatest continent is yet to be properly settled and is waiting for those brave enough to conquer it. This nation is meant to span from coast to coast, as is our God given right. Buy a wagon, buy a gun, pack your bags, and venture forth. It is now or never. I call upon all of you to go forth and settle, because beauty awaits. Become a hero. 


How dare this woman write lies about the South and slavery!  We are not savages who treat our slaves brutally! What does this mere little woman know about us?!?  What does she know about the South and slavery?!?  I'll tell you exactly what she knows: Nothing.  She knows nothing about slavery.  The novel is full of horrid untruths told by hypocrites. 

The Northerners, they are all hypocrites!  Aren't they the ones forcing people to work long grueling hours in factories and mines without seeing their families?  They may not be called slaves, but there is no doubt that they are "wage slaves," forced to work for a wage to support their family.  We, on the other hand, create familial bonds with our slaves.  We provide them with both physical and mental sustenance while all the Northerners do is force their workers to work for essentially nothing.  We protect our slaves from the corrupt society and ensure that families stay together.  How can anyone call us, the masters, cruel, when in actuality, we are the true philanthropists.
Slavery, indeed, promotes a positive life, for both slave and master.  It is even confirmed in the Bible.  Do they dare question the Bible?

It dawned on me recently that slavery, once a pillar of our society, is becoming less fashionable among the most ignorant Northern thinkers. Northern city-dwellers, even some who claim to be Democrats, have the audacity, the gall to say that the end of slavery is in the best interest of the United States of America. They claim, among other things, that industrialism is the future of the nation and that slavery hinders the progress of the industrialization of the US of A. Is this what we've come to as a nation? Will we let these industrialized-mercantile yanks determine the future of our nation? I say no! 

These Northern ignoramuses simply don't understand the destruction the abolition of slavery would wreak upon our fine and prospering nation. While our northern compatriots may see the end of slavery as beneficial, the profound effects it would have on the hardworking southern man would be unavoidable. I fear for my nation. 

The bedrock of our nation is in the fields and the hands that work it. Through hard work, southern-grit, and, yes, slavery, we will become the most prosperous nation on God's earth. We have come to a crossroads as a nation. We must somehow convince these Northern ne'er do wells that the most efficient way of producing crops is through slavery, and only through the conservation of slavery will our nation truly thrive. I fear for our nation. I fear that if we do not succeed, we will be put through an unimaginable nightmare by those un-American industrialists up north. I fear for our nation, but I know that you will all help me save it. 
